Ahmed Presenting to Judges at UMP-INNOVADAYS
the 4th and 5th of November 2015, I had the opportunity to attend the second
edition of the "UMP-INNOVADAYS" competition under the theme,
"Innovation is the key for economic development in Eastern Morocco". This
competition is held in Oujda, Morocco, and is meant to showcase innovative
projects designed to improve economic growth in the region. During the
competition, I presented my project "EnerSolOR, the Integration of Solar
Energy in Eastern Morocco.” I’m proud to say it won second place!
In addition to this work, I am also
conducting a similar study that explores ways to use the energy from the sun to
resolve local problems such as rural electrification and sea water
desalination. This is my research topic under Fulbright at the University of
California, Merced, and is led by Professor Yanbao Ma.
The UMP-INNOVADAYS competition was certainly a success; I am pleased that it also had a Fulbright connection. In addition to me, one of the organizers of the ceremony, Professor Boukhatem Noureddine, was a Fulbright alumnus. On this note, I would like to warmly acknowledge the Fulbright Commission as well as AMIDEAST in Morocco and the United States for funding a part of my research projects. I would like to also acknowledge my supervisors Professor Ahmed Mezrhab at the University Mohammed I in Morocco and Professor Yanbao Ma at the University of California, Merced. Finally, I dedicate this prize to my mother and father.
Ahmed is currently
conducting research at the University of California, Merced. He plans to finish
his PhD at the University of Mohammed I, and then to conduct research in a
laboratory or a research institute in the field of solar energy development.
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